Chanel loves Corey | Timeless Maleny Chapel Wedding
26th April 2018
When they met there was metaphorical fireworks, six years later their wedding concluded with real live fireworks in Maleny.
26th April 2018
When they met there was metaphorical fireworks, six years later their wedding concluded with real live fireworks in Maleny.
24th June 2014
If you’re looking for a reason to get a dessert table in your life, your Sunshine Coast wedding is it. Who wants a one-cake wedding these days, when you can have all the cakes! And cake pops and cookies and tartlets and cupcakes and those incredible-looking little jars of dessert… mmm…. dessert jars. //// Are you quite ready to feast your eyes on some visually delicious and positively delectable dessert tables? If you’re not, you better get ready, lady, cause it’s happening. These fancy cakes and their dessert friends are brought to you by Chocolate 2 Chilli, and they…
25th August 2012
Today is a bittersweet goodbye to our Cake of the Week series. Bittersweet, get it? Get it? But it’s just so long, it’s not goodbye forever, as we will see a return in time. And next week we say bonjour to another exciting new “of the week”, the subject of which I am selfishly keeping to myself, so there! I’m sorry, I’m so mean, it’s just the pending lack of talking up such sweet sugary goodness that’s getting to me! At least I have this one last time to tell you about a delectable cake of the week today. This beauty today…