Cute, Fun, Colourful Noosa Beach Wedding

25th April 2012

Do you remember a little while ago we posted the world’s most awesome wedding invitation? To jog your memory, it was a stop motion clip set to Halls & Oats’ You Make My Dreams, featuring today’s Sunshine Coast real wedding couple, Bronnie and Sam. This gorgeous young couple were engaged for six months after having been together for almost three years following an introduction by a mutual friend at a coffee shop, and then Bronwyn started attending Sam’s church. I genuinely have not seen a more sweet couple in all my time, and when you see their wedding photos below,…

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Wedding Theme: Yellow Inspiration

27th February 2012

  We have been experiencing a bit of dreariness across the Sunshine Coast lately. Certainly not living up to our name weather-wise! So The Bride's Tree team decided to bring a bit of sunny your way in the form of this gorgeous yellow inspiration board for your Sunshine Coast wedding. Varying shades in one colour scheme work brilliantlly with yellow, in fact it actually works a lot better than a perfectly matching pallette. Complimentary colours are bold or deep purples with cream to fold in a vintage feel, or bright yellow with a pretty sky blue and bright white (as…

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