Amidst all the fun of wedding planning, let’s face it, there is a decent level of stress. In some people this rears its ugly head in the form of snappy tones and emotional break downs. In others it’s plain as the nose on their face – and actually right there on their face – taking shape as an angry blemish or blotchy skin tone. Ugh! Definitely NOT what you need right now!
When your skin is acting up, your stress levels intensify. It’s a viscious cycle! Taking some time to give your naughty skin some attention will not only soothe the visual effects, but help you to calm from within. Especially when you use some delicious organic products like the ones I’m about to share with you.
Test driving gorgeous products happens to be a thing we LOVE to do at The Bride’s Tree HQ, so when Australian certified organic skincare label, Saya, sent us some face and body care products to try. The didn’t have to ask us twice!
The 5 Steps to a Relaxed You and Rejuvenated Skin
The key to making this a de-stressing exercise and not one that adds to your stress is to make it super simple and fun. These five steps could be successfully achieved by a 5-year-old, and the organic products filled with amazing Australian botanicals make for such a calming experience you will be walking on a cloud by the time you’re done.
So let’s get into these five simple steps to self-pampering goodness.
Step One
After cleansing, remove dead skin cells and restore radiance to the skin with Saya‘s AHA Face Exfoliant, $31.95. This is the perfect preparation to clear your skin and create a smooth canvas for the steps to follow.
Step Two
While you’re in the shower, scrub down with Saya‘s Coffee Body Scrub, $29.95. I am so on board with coffee scrubs, they are full of anti-oxidants and I swear, much like a cup of coffee, you feel more awake and refreshed than ever after showering with this baby. Just make sure you wash all the coffee away, as you don’t want to be scrubbing bits off later on – it’s such a pain!
Step Three
It’s time to have a little lay down with your French Pink Clay Mask, $19.95. Now this one is my favourite, because it does exactly what it says it will do. It helps to clear congestion and improve the texture of your skin – seriously I’ve never had such smooth gorgeous skin in my life as I do after using this.
Terri Hanlon took some pics for us as we showed you how to mix up your clay mask with just a spoonful of the powder form and a few drops of water…
You’re in control of the consistency, so you can go as thick or runny as you like.
Here I am playing beauty therapist for the day, loading Jenny up with some French Pink Clay Mask goodness, drawing out impurities like nobody’s business.
Once your mask is completely dry (you will know, because it will change colour completely after about 15 minutes of looking like a hypercolour tshirt -remember those?! Height of on-trend early-90’s fashion…) and feel quite tight on the skin as it sets. Wash it off with warm water and a soft muslin cloth or flannel.
Step Four
Allow your skin to drink in the goodness of the Argan Oil, $29.95, with Kakadu Plum and Vitamin E, which will hydrate the skin leaving it silky smooth, hydrated and balanced with a noticeable luminosity.
Step Five
Don’t forget to hydrate the body with Saya‘s Rich Body Cre`me with Shea Butter and Coconut, $39.95. This stuff smells ahmayzing. I happened to have some sunburn when we were test driving these products, so my skin was absolutely drinking it up and enjoying all the hydrating benefits.
We definitely had a lot of fun pampering ourselves within an inch of our lives, and will happily call these Saya products 100% The Bride’s Tree approved. My suggestion to you is to gather your bridesmaids and gal pals and enjoy these affordable, delicious certified organic products together. Self-pampering is better with friends!
Thanks again to Terri Hanlon Photography for taking these snaps of us getting our pamper on, and to Saya for partnering with us for this review.