Sure, it may seem like a less important factor than, say, your wedding dress, who’s going to sit where or what kind of flowers you’re going to have… However, it is vital for your wedding morning outfit to fulfil some paramount criteria.
- It must be cute and photogenic.
- It must be button-down, wrap-around, or be able to be stretched to a point where your once done hair and makeup is not disturbed.
- It must set you apart from the rest, so all around you shall know and declare, “These gals are something else. And what’s more, they run this show.”
A short list, but an essential one. It’s what you’ll be wearing for hours on end, while you get your hairs did and your mug makeupped, eat your last supper as a single lady… And of course get your first photos of your wedding day.
Amiga, I have curated a collection of 22 wedding morning getups to help you finalise this vital decision. You’re welcome.
I can see why these ladies are laughing it up – they’re living the monogrammed dream! Image by Todd Hunter McGaw.
You don’t always adhere to labels, but when you do, they define your special role on the most special of days and they are embroidered onto your back, so they are pretty darn fine. Jennifer Oliphant Photographer.
Keepin’ it real, yo, with wedding day flannos. Image by Andrea Sproxton Photography.
Dad’s oversized Hawaiian shirt! Image by Lara and Susie Photographers.
Wedding trucker caps anyone? At least until it’s time to get your hair done… Image by Lara and Susie Photographers.
And in the glam corner, we have colourful kaftans… Image by Nicky Stone – Photographer.
… And gorgeous flowy dresses. Image by Nicky Stone – Photographer. You could always dress everyone in matching robes of floral… Image by Janneke Storm.
… Flamingoes… Image by Nicky Stone – Photographer.
… Stripes… Image by Adriana Watson Photography.
… Or black and white foliage. Image by Bayleigh Vedelago.
…Or let the bride stand out, starting the day in traditional white. The image of purity! Images by Byron loves Fawn.
You could always colour everyone happily ever after! Image by Nick Evans Photo.
Even a little ribbon to give the bride distinction works. Image by When Elephant Met Zebra.
Now this one is smart: you put the date on your robe, wear it every day after the wedding and your hubby will never have the excuse that he forgot your anniversary! Image by Life and Love Photography.
A little bit of lace says, “My wedding day is today, and I’m owning it.” Image by Moments by Frankie.
Let your floral flag fly! Image by Stacey Schramm Photography.
Maybe even match it perfectly with your fresh flower hair piece? I won’t judge… Except when I tell you you’re through to the next round of awesomeness, obviously. Image by Lindy Yewen Photography.
Just get some super cute tees and shorts, yo. Image by Tahlea Blunt Photography.
Singlets work fine, too. Get your comfies on girl, we don’t mind! Image by Matt Rowe Photography.
Go sexy-contemporary with lovely long shirts, and/or a little racy black lace showing through… Nick Evans Photo.

Most importantly: don’t forget your little gal pals, too! Images by Lou O’Brien.